Pros And Cons Of Keeping Exotic Animals

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Animals all around the world are being taken forcefully from their habitats and kept as cool exotic pets. I chose this topic because I believe that exotic animals shouldn’t be kept as pets. Exotic animals are very important to nature and food chains all around the world, if we keep taking them and in some cases killing them, those food chains can and will crash. Millions of animals will die. Today I am going to try and persuade you that exotic animals should not be kept as pets. First by taking a look at just how harmful we taking these animals from nature can be. Second I will explain what we can do to help stop people from taking exotic animals as pets. Finally I will tell you all the benefits of helping to stop this problem. I will start by telling you the need for exotic animal safety. …show more content…

Most exotic animals die within a couple weeks of being caught. 90% of exotic lizards caught die after capture on their way to the cages, where they stay for months until people buy or kill them. Animals that aren’t sold are killed or starved to death. Proof against these animal smugglers is found every day. Dead animals found in luggage, socks, and even cd cases. Those are the animals that don’t make it to the cages where unnatural death is almost certain. This is an important problem because thousands of animals die every day because they are almost defenseless against the force from the capturers. Animal populations are affected tremendously by this. Prey of other animals may be taken by the capturers, leaving that animal with no food causing them to die (Exotic Animals as “Pets”). I’ve told you about some of the problems surrounding my problem now let’s get down to how to solve

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