Pros And Cons Of Extroverts

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“There’s zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas” (Quiet). You probably find it as no surprise that introverts and extroverts differ in a multitude of ways. Looking for a job? When I was, I came across multiple employers seeking an energetic person. In other words, an extrovert. Now mind you, I was applying for introverted jobs. I’m Currently working at a library despite their job description stating they were seeking someone with an “energetic” personality. But you see if I ran a company, I wouldn’t post what personality type I want. It just doesn’t make sense to me. If anything, I’d want an introvert to be working by my side. Despite the human species overall flaws, it seems as though introverts are more knowledgeable due to their second nature of taking time to think before they speak whereas extroverts will speak now and think later.
If someone asked you who would make for a better leader, I’d guess over half of you would choose the extrovert. While I may disagree I unfortunately can’t say I blame you. Extroverts do exude some good qualities that would make them seem attainable for such a position. (Entrepreneur) …show more content…

With that being said if your their friend they can and probably will help you expand your group of friends. Now another trait that I can’t and won’t ignore is their need for spontaneity. Having a friend that’s down for almost anything and everything? I can hear you already from the other side of the room saying yes, please. Whether it's in the afternoon or the middle of the night won’t be a problem for them

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