Pros And Cons Of Contractualization

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Contractualization is a system wherein a company hires temporary workers from an agency that will only last for less than 6 months. It is a system where they have to fulfill their tenure as they have agreed and signed a contract, and then it is either they will be rehired or they will completely lose their jobs and go find for a new one. The problem here is that temporary workers are being paid lower than the minimum wage and they are less likely to receive benefits or they do not have benefits at all. They do not have a chance to be a regular employee but they are doing the tasks that a regular employee would do. It is unfair because it is much in favor to the employer as it helps their company to earn more and be competitive in the industry …show more content…

It causes harm physically, when the workers are working overtime and they are abusing their bodies to keep on working even if they are not feeling well already. In terms of emotionally, it causes harm to the workers in a way that they are being degraded and they are disrespected. Another thing is that when they are not going to be rehired for their jobs. It violates the human and labor rights of the workers because of the set of rules applied in the contract/agreement. They are not given equal rights like the regular workers, they do not have benefits like overtime and holiday pay, they do not have job security, 13th month pay, their salaries are below the minimum wage, and when it comes to their health they are the ones shouldering it if something happens to them. It also prevents them from improving their skills. It contributes to the cycle of violence because the workers are deprived from their rights, its being taken away from them. They are the ones who are suffering for it because they need a job and there’s no other option rather to deal with it because they need an income for sustaining their …show more content…

Contractualization must end or change its rules because it does not possess the right treatment and benefits for the workers. The workers are sacrificing just to have an income to support their families but they deserve more than what they are getting. It does not value the hard work of the workers are doing for the company. It is unfair because the contractual workers are also employees but they are not enjoying their rights as a worker because their right is taken away from them. The Philippines should first have a stable economy before practicing labor contractualization; the government should not be in a hurry because we are still facing numerous problems, especially poverty that our country needs to solve. Another measure to address the issue is to open thousands of job opportunities that offers a regular position which has benefits that all of the workers will enjoy. Job openings is another useful way to address the issue because it offers a kind of job that will make the workers worries and doubts go away because they don’t need to think anymore if they are going to lose their jobs within a deadline. It will give them the opportunity to improve from time to time and prove that they have the skills and guts to be part of that company where they belong

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