Pros And Cons Of Change

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1. Introduction – What change is?

Two sides of change:
- technical side of change: financial and structural change;
- human side of change: it should be step-by-step action plan for the change process that takes full advantage of an organisation’s greatest resource – it’s people. Principles of change:
1. Change is a process that can be enabled, not managed
2. The change process must be linked to business and performance goals
3. Building capacity to change is a strategic imperative
4. Building capacity for change is an evolutionary process
5. Effective change processes require a systemic view of the organization
6. The change process involves both organizational and personal transitions
7. Behavioral change is a function of perceived need …show more content…

It probably depends from our understanding of subject. „The scientific study of human irrationality has shown that many of our instincts related to understanding and influencing our own and others’ motivations push us towards failure instead of succes” Keller, Scott; Aiken, Carolyn (2008). But I personally think, that this is caused, by our as human beings uncertainty, our worries, our doubts, our state of being, constantly unsure of everything and lack of confidence. And this cause our subconcious mind and stimulate our environment to react, and to lead us towards failure. We can read about it in an excellent book written by Dr Joseph Murphy „The Power of your subconscious …show more content…

It should be rather evolutionary than revolutionary. HR team and everyone else should support change in organisation. It may be more difficult for some people, especially at the beginning. That is the problem with change, that people who are doing things in certain way for a long time, don’t like to be told to do things differently. But in the end of the day, change is good. Because without change organisation won’t survive. Because everything around us is changing. We change our behaviours, attitude, opinions. We are changing as people all the time, our personalities, and we are changing in the workplace as well. If company won’t change, it will “die”. Company has to re-invent itself constantly, otherwise it will

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