Pros And Cons Of Brainwashing

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Brainwashing – Learn How It’s Done So You Can Undo It
Brainwashing is perhaps a very well-known word today. We hear it in regard to terrorists, extremists and criminals way too often. But what most people fail to realize, is that brainwashing exists in everyday life too. Anyone can be a victim and anyone can be an abuser. People who brainwash others are not downright evil; they are simply sociopaths who like to dominate others.
The way to counter brainwashing abuse is to first understand how it works. Here are the steps that can brainwash you:
1. Isolation
The most basic and fundamental step of brainwashing is isolation. Man is a social animal; most of what we know comes from external influences. This is why isolation is very important for the abuser to brainwash you. It may …show more content…

Monopolization of Perception
One of the biggest strengths that humans have is the ability to form their own opinions. This ability is attacked by the abuser during brainwashing. It starts from the simple need for attachment, but it soon escalates to the point where your whole world revolves around the abuser. This leads to the situation where you cannot form your own opinions and think what the abuser wants you to think.
3. Induced Debility and Exhaustion
Our minds are capable of extraordinary feats. But all this would be rendered futile if you are mentally exhausted. This is what an abuser does while brainwashing you. Little things in life that give your pleasure are termed as "useless", you are not allowed certain emotions because they are "unacceptable" according to you abuser and feeling guilty even when you are not wrong; all this leads to a point where your mind is exhausted and simply chooses to give in to the whims of your abuser.
4. Threats
Perhaps a less refined step but effective nonetheless. Threats trigger our mind to choose between "fight or give up". And if the previous step has already exhausted your mind, you are more prone to give up to threats.
5. Occasional

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