Pros And Cons Of Bottle Feeding

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Discuss the pros and cons of breast- versus bottle-feeding.
The pros and cons of breast- versus bottle-feeding is a common debate within the community as a whole because there is a somewhat negative perception around bottle-feeding and the known benefits that infants receive from breast-feeding. There are several factors that can impact mothers in their decision of breast versus bottle; these can include inability to nurse, working outside of the home, social concerns, and education on breastfeeding. Having a support system and adequate information regarding breast-feeding and it’s benefits for new mothers will allow them to be able to make the right choice based on their situation.
The inability to nurse can be a result of breast or nipple structure, inadequate milk supply, or demands from the baby are too much. Mothers can work …show more content…

The convenience of bottles is that these can be given to a baby to feed at any time but also allows mom to share feeding duties. The flexibility of being able to avoid pumping or scheduling around other obligations allows the parents to not have to work around the baby’s feeding schedule. If a mother is concerned about breast-feeding in public, the bottle may be an easy solution so she does not have to find a place to nurse while in public. Another benefit of formula is that the amount is easily measured so parents can keep track of how much the baby is eating. Infants who are often fed by formula tend to eat less often than those who breast-feed because formula is less digestible. Breast-feeding moms have to watch their diet because what they ingest directly affects breastfeeding babies but with formula moms are able to eat what they want. A few disadvantages to bottle-feeding are that it’s expensive, the nutrition is not the same as breast milk, and it’s not as easily

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