Pros And Cons Of Being Vegetarian Essay

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The Question--Personal Connection Over two years ago, both of my sister, upon viewing a documentary depicting how the meat on our plate gets there, decided to give up meat. To accommodate for my sisters since they have become vegetarians my family have made more meals that contain no meat. Finally a year ago, after some persuading, my sister convinced my parents and me to get up red meat. However, I am not sure if I should stop there. Should I become a full blown vegetarian? From what I have heard being a vegetarian has multiple pros including personal health and environment benefits, but I have also heard some negative things about giving up meat. So I wanted to decide for myself if being a vegetarian would be a good decision for me and the rest of my family. I believe that it is a great option for my family, but before making a huge decision like this I wanted to do my research. The Search Process To begin my search, I thought it was best to search for books from the Northwest Library about being a vegetarian. Most of the books about vegetarianism were cook books, but I did find one called Going Vegetarian: A Healthy Guide to Making the Switch by Dana Meachen Rau. The book contains good information about making the switch from being a meat eater to a vegetarian. After finding a book, I thought I should some of the …show more content…

One of the people I interview said, “The hardest part of being a vegetarian is going out to restaurants and trying to find something to eat” (Erin). A quick look at the most popular American restaurants can show that our food culture is dominated by meat and is becoming an ever increasing ingredient. From 1975 to 2007, the number of chickens killed for meat has increased 200% ( Psych). One might say that the number has increased since the population of the United States has increased, however, the population has only increased 70 percent in that amount of time( US

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