Understanding the Impact of Nationality on Identity

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Many things shape us into who we are, sometimes we choose them, sometimes they choose us. When I am optimist about it, I often think our nationality chose us for a reason, that it chose entire generations for a reason. Because we remarkably influence our country, and it also largely influences us. Nationality, more than a characteristic, it’s a close relationship. However, like all relationships, nationality requires acknowledgement and nourishment. Every citizen has the duty to recognize the problems that afflict the country and have the courage to solve them. Having a nationality therefore, is no easy task. Everyday, even the little we do contributes for what is wrong with our country, and what is right. And the only difference between these two opposite sides is precisely what makes us citizens. The acknowledgment of our relationship. I remember the day I finally came to the conclusion that I am …show more content…

But I couldn’t do it, only the principal and senior girl wanted to help. Everyone else thought like my best friend, that these 43 were just dead like all dead people. We lived in the second most dangerous city in the country and the 15th most dangerous city in the world. There is just so much death you can stand for. That day, as I looked quietly into her eyes, I understood many things. The acknowledgement I needed. For the first time in my life, I saw my country, and I felt a pain that is only felt by citizens, for a country that is falling apart. My best friend had been right, we have too many corpses already, ours is a pollution of death, pain, and sadness. The pain that I carry with me, for my nation, is what ultimately makes me Mexican, and shapes me into who I am. The tragedy of the 43, gave me my nationality, and the firm belief that there is no more honorable purpose than to fight for my nationality and help others to fight

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