Pros And Cons Of Become A Dermatologist

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From a small age — usually around the age of six or seven — children are asked to think of what they’d like to be when they grow up. Some already have some kind of notion, but with time their decision will change. That was my case — I wasn’t sure what I wanted to be. “What would you want to be when you grow up?”, was a question several people would ask me. It’s was a question I didn’t know the exact answer to. Little did I know, deep down inside, I knew what I wanted to be all along. In elementary I seemed to have an obsession with the idea of becoming a doctor. On numerous occasions I would play doctor with my family. Due to my small age I wasn’t sure of what kinds of doctors there were. My assumption was that all doctors dealt with colds, fevers, and flus. …show more content…

There were so many opportunities to select from that I couldn’t make up my mind right away. This was going to be something I would have to evaluate and think about before taking action. During my senior year in high school is where I discovered that I wanted to be a dermatologist. A dermatologist is a doctor that “specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of skin problems” (WebMD 112). This practice appealed to me because of how many responsibilities a dermatologist has. Their responsibilities don’t end at one thing, rather, they have an extensive knowledge on many subjects and sub subjects. Dermatologists focus on the skin. The largest organ of all we possess. Being a dermatologist requires you to give a diagnosis, treat the conditions of either the skin, hair, or nails. It also requires you to perform surgical acts. This is just a small portion of the responsibilities that fall into being a dermatologist. Some dermatologists can also go beyond what is required and specialize in a

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