Pros And Cons Of A Psychologist

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“People are very complex. And for a psychologist, you get fascinated by the complexity of human beings, and that is what I have lived with, you know, in my career all of my life, is the complexity of human beings” - Daniel Kahneman. Curiosity is part of human nature. As children we often ask “why?” As adults, we continue to wonder, but we have the opportunity to do something about it. Psychologists apply that very universal curiosity to collect and interpret data to better understand and solve some of society’s most challenging psychological problems. Psychologists are very important people; these individuals aid millions of people with their everyday struggles and problems that they have to deal with on a daily basis. Not only do psychologists help people with problems that they cannot handle on their own, they also are scientists who study human minds and behaviors. Everyone has days when they just don't feel like themselves. For the majority of people, these feelings are normal and they don't last long. For some, however, these …show more content…

I extensively researched the pros and cons of being a psychologist and the results were endless for both sides. Just like any other profession, there are generally equal amounts of cons as there are pros when you are researching a particular job. “The pros include: Several different areas of study depending on your interests, an incredibly rewarding career path, good pay depending on where you end up, and job prospects all over the world” (HRF). “The cons include: Getting a job might be a challenge, undergraduate and graduate school is a must, chance of research failing or being disproven, and some people do not consider psychology as an actual science” (HRF). Also, dealing with clients and their issues can, oftentimes, be draining and difficult to

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