Propositio: Celibacy And Marriage

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1.4. THE STRUCTURE OF THE ARGUMENTS The propositio, ‘celibacy and marriage’ is supported by the following arguments in the chapter. We could gather two different opinions regarding v.1 from many scholars; as a quotation from Corinthian Church and a Pauline statement. Here it is noteworthy that the Greek text has no copula to prove it as a quotation and also the earliest manuscripts had no punctuation. The pattern of citing a catchphrase and then suddenly rebutting it appears in 6, 12-13; 8, 1- 4; and 10, 23. Pauline strategy in this chapter, as in chapter 8, seems to be to start his argument by quoting a Corinthian position ‘as if he agrees with it’ and then to add ‘strong qualifications to its use’. In v. 2 we get a negative aim for marriage that is the avoidance of pornei,a. This passage is always criticized as a very low view on …show more content…

• Paul gives adequate respect to marriage but makes a preference for

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