Propaganda In The Film 'Obey'

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The film Obey was made by British filmmaker Temujin Doran. This documentary is based on a book by columnist Chris Hedges, "The Death of the Liberal Class". The film accomplishes its goals by demonstrating the takeover of business in government, and persuading the viewer to act upon it. The last century took part in the rise of privatization which meant the indoctrination of a nation in a capitalistic world with no morality. Forced to follow propaganda created by wealthy businessmen, eventually people will no longer be able to make decisions against what they are told to believe. Dorian's film explains what we can do to overcome such a state of moral decline. The explanation to how the rise of the corporate star began, was during World War II. The use of propaganda became more prevalent than ever during this era. Historians wondered how could capitalism survive after the disaster that was the Great Depression? Propaganda reached a high, but this was led by corporate men, not men of politics. Privatization is able to take over through the use of propaganda, as a means to make a profit. This was when the question was raised. Are politics being led by men who truly wish to represent their constituents? Or is their more of a presence of business men, not politicians? …show more content…

The people who fall for the propaganda become the ones employed into those businesses. It is worth falling victim to the educated liberal thinkers. "The corporate salary will sap the moral and intellectual independence."

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