Progressive Movement Dbq

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The progressive reform movement started when people decided to take a stand against the things caused by industrialism, corruption, etc. There were many reforms people were a part of such as women’s suffrage, clean government, labor laws, milk pasteurization, and many more. (Document eight) However just like any other debate there are multiple different ways people describe the progressive reform movement. Many people like Senator Root believe the progressive movement began to readjust society (Document one). He also believed the government should be readjust laws as society started to change. He addressed that urban development and industrialization caused a boom in business and population, which resulted in the need for increased employment …show more content…

In Wilson's inaugural address he stated that the main priority should be to maintain, cleanse, reconsider, and correct evil. He believed that the only way to readjust society, as Senator Root said in document one, would be to keep the peace. Which would result in the creation of world peace movements. World peace movements were one of the few ways people could stand up to fight against war and corruption. Wilson and Root shared a lot of the same ideas when it came to why the progressive movement began. One idea Wilson had that Root did not directly address was the idea of cleansing the government. Cleansing the government and the people was such common belief during progressivism that they created clean government reforms. People like Woodrow Wilson, Senator Beveridge, John Spargo, and Lincoln Steffens all stated some of the same ideas on how to cleanse the government and how critical it is to do so. This idea could be used as a major reason as to why the progressive reform was …show more content…

Ida’s stories were inspired by her dad struggle he had with his wooden tank for oil company (Document ten). His business was rather successful until John D. Rockefeller forced him out of business unfairly. Her writings in the magazine inspired many people to go against John D. Rockefeller and in result congress passed trust laws. In the end Ida’s publications took Rockefeller's business down and helped prevent anymore from occurring. Many reforms like women suffrage, labor rights, etc were focused on ethics. A majority of muckrakers like John Spargo, Upton Sinclair, and Lincoln Steffens were promoting God into their reforms. They found their outlooks on the reform through Christianity. John Spargo was claimed to be a socialist muckraker. However he denied being a socialist and explained how he may have the qualities of a socialist however he just wanted to maintain Christian principles. He believed that honesty, humanitarianism, and loving thy neighbor were all important aspects in life. In this case you may see people like John Spargo being a part of reforms such as social gospel and world peace movement. Christianity was a major part in what John Spargo was hoping to

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