Professor Ramirez Plagiarism

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In regards of the college’s policy, I feel that she acted unethically because she chose to not abide by the rules of reporting an act of plagiarism. As Professor Ramirez started to analyze the situation more and compared the positive and negative effects that this decision of reporting plagiarism would have on the student’s life. I believe that I would have done the same thing because making ethical decisions isn’t always about following the rules, but dividing what you think is right from wrong and making decisions based on the outcome. In this situation, I believe she acted ethical since she took into consideration the disparity of why the student reduced themselves to these methods and she also took the initiative to talk and reason with the student first to see if they would come clean to her about the accusation of plagiarism. From the perspective of another student …show more content…

She demonstrated caring for her student because when she analyzed more the situation; she realized that student was going through a rough and busy point in her life since she had to look after her ill mother and still have time to focus on her studies. Ramirez demonstrated a sense of compassion by assigning a less harsh punishment than the actual one that is imposed by the school because she either related to that student or had a sense of kindness towards that student. Ramirez demonstrated respect because she was being considerate of the impacts that this harsh decision would have on the student’s academic success towards graduation and the loss of a potential job offer after graduation. Lastly, Ramirez displayed responsibility towards her student because she thought first the negative consequences that this decision would have on the student, and she allowed the student to confess and take accountability of her own wrong doing to assign a less impactful punishment in

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