Professionalism In Physical Therapy

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Professionalism in the context of being a student in a doctor of physical therapist degree program begins with a basic understanding of physical therapy. In order for a student to be professional they must remember what their responsibilities are as a future treating professional. By this part of the application process most Doctorate of physical therapy (DPT) applicants have become aware of fundamental necessities that treating patients entails. The first major hurdle, they have a hard time asking for help when it is needed, honesty is a very important trait to understanding professionalism. Continuing education is one that comes a little easier for students because it has become all we know, studying day in and day out however it is also a trait that can be lost in the blink of an eye when you are not held accountable. Furthermore, the notion that everyone should be treated equal is not foreign for most students however unfortunately for some the same thing cannot be said. As a student in a DPT program the first lesson that must be learned if it is not already apart of ones morals is that …show more content…

A major flaw of some students is that learning is power and we as humans can be easily corrupted by power. When you learn something new everyday sometimes you can feel like you have all of the answers when in reality no one has all of the answers. Again, according to the APTA and the WCPT’s codes of ethics it is a therapists ethical duty to be honest with not only the patient but themselves when progress through Physical Therapy can not be reached anymore and its time to try a different approach for the patients benefit. Honesty is the foundation that any relationship is built on weather its with a patient, classmate, instructor or even yourself in order to allow for educational growth to

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