Professionalism And Etiquette Essay

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In this assignment we as a team will discuss how to effectively plan for success in careers. Including which strategies can be employed for professional growth, such as continued learning by staying up to date on current information in your field or earning a higher degree, taking advantage of training and development opportunities through your employer. Gain certifications and endorsements; join professional organizations, clubs and or societies, volunteer for opportunities that will help you build your skills and knowledge, watch for ways to lead, seek out promotions, also knowing when to leave and move on to other opportunities. We will also cover how professionalism and etiquette can affect career success, starting with a description of …show more content…

But first it will explain what professionalism really means. Professionalism is not based all on appearance; it is how a person conducts themselves as a professional. For example, showing professionalism is showing up to work on time. A famous phrase that is used is “when a person is early they are on time and when a person is on time they are late.” Another way of showing professionalism is good communication skills, whether verbal or nonverbal. Let’s break this down more, communication can be spoken words, written, body language, facial expressions are a few ways to communicate. Keep in mind that when showing professionalism all of these actions must be done in a positive manner. Next thing that needs to be explained is what the word etiquette means. Etiquette is “expected behavior that shows respect, which is meant to make everyone feel comfortable“("Etiquette," 2016). For example, when arriving to work on time and greeting other employees with a simple “Good morning, how are you today”, is showing professionalism and etiquette. When showing both of these critiques it is highly possible to succeed in a career. It makes others feel comfortable to be around and work with others with the same work habits. This will also help to climb the corporate ladder or to advance higher in the career. Being open minded can also show signs of etiquette when it comes to people with different cultural backgrounds and ethics. This also can help to make the work environment to be comfortable for all employees, no matter race, gender, or nationality. For example, working as a Healthcare Administrator they will come into contact with different people and they have to show professionalism and etiquette at all times because they can make the staff members and other executive members feel uncomfortable and make the work place hard to work in. So when a person shows that

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