Professional Sports Salary Analysis

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According to Cork Gaines (2015), the amount different sports associations make is based on the numbers of players and people involved. The average salary of a player in the NBA is about 4.6 million. This is after the annual salary. Lebron James makes $30,963,000 for the 2016-17 season. However, players only get a fraction of their salary because of taxes. He has a salary just under 19 million after taxes. Al Horford, player for the Boston Celtics, has a season salary of $26,540,000. There are 82 games in the NBA season, not including playoff games and 12 players on an NBA roster. Not only that, NBA has more of an advantage because of the $84.7 million dollar salary cap for each team. Conversely, the NFL has 53 on a team, but only 46 can dress …show more content…

The NFL’s salary cap is around $150 million. That number varies throughout different teams though because NFL teams are allowed to use their remaining money from the previous season. Aaron Rodgers, highest paid quarterback in the 2015 season, with a salary of $22 million. Overall, Cork Gaines gives a basic overview of how many players and the amount of money are involved in the NBA and NFL. Another idea from Boyd’s Bets (2017) talks about the salaries for NBA and NFL coaches. The NBA has about 7 coaches on each team. A head coach, an associate head coach, and associate coaches are all coaches that are involved with a team. The amount of each varies however there is only one head coach. Those with the head coach title make more than those with the title of associate coach. For example, Doc Rivers, head coach of the LA Clippers has a salary of $10 million but a contract of $50 million for the five years his contract pertains to. On the other side of the scale, the lowest paid head coach, Earl Watson, has a $2.5 million dollar contract each year for 3 years. Moreover, the NFL has more than …show more content…

Each team in the NFL received $180 million in the 2016 season from the league from national media, licensing deals, and gate receipts. What separates each team is their stadiums and revenue from each one. The Cowboys, Giants, and Redskins make around $75 million dollars every year from club and luxury seats whereas the Vikings and 49ers make under $10 millions from club and luxury seats. A premium ticket for a regular season Patriots game is around $565 but for the Raiders it’s around $140. An average ticket price for the the Jets is around $120 and $55 for the Browns. The most commonly sold food in stadiums is of course a hot dog and that is sold for $6 in the Browns stadium and $3 in the Vikings stadium. In the NBA, the Knicks are ranked 30 and their average ticket price is $200. The Bulls are ranked 28 and their average ticket price is $165. At the Lakers stadium, a beer is $12 in comparison to a beer at the Spurs stadium, where a beer is $5. Better teams with more people coming to the games raise their prices to make more money. Teams with not a lot of fans coming to games lower their prices so that it accommodates the few fans that go. Parking is another component that comes into play when talking about the marginal differences between things that fans and consumers buy at an NBA game. The average price for parking is about

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