Proclamation Of Neutrality Essay

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Neutrality was an important American foreign policy. The Proclamation of Neutrality was primarily issued by George Washington. It kept the United States out of the conflict in Europe but continued the trading between the United States and European countries. During the time of World War I, the president Woodrow Wilson used Neutrality to stay out of the European conflict. Although Neutrality was a useful policy because it prevented the U.S. from involving the war Germany and Great Britain, Overall, Neutrality wasn’t helping the U.S. because the trading between the United States and European countries was prevented. The Congress finally declared the entry into World War I. The Neutrality Proclamation of 1793 was authorized by George Washington …show more content…

It was soon tested on what the U.S. considered free international waters. Both the Allied and Central Powers hoped to gain good trading relationships with the United States (Byas). “Britain was controlling the span of the North Atlantic Ocean and refused to allow American goods to be shipped to Germany by seizing U.S. goods. In response to Britain’s tactics, Germany established a submarine war zone around the British Isles, declaring that they would immediately sink all enemy merchant ships encountered in the area” (Aboukhadijeh). The idea of keep trading with the European countries was destroyed. This was the first time that Wilson thought that it might be the time to join the war. In 1917, the British Secret Service communicated to the American government a copy of the key document, which was the Zimmermann Telegram. “The German foreign minister proposed an alliance with Mexico--in the event that America declared war on Germany. The Zimmermann proposal included financial support to Mexico and the promise that Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona would be restored to Mexican control” (Farmer). On April 4, 1917, the Senate approved the declaration of war against the Central Powers by a vote of 82 to 6. On April 6, the House of Representatives approved it by a vote of 373 to 50 ( This was the end of the Neutrality. On June 26, the first 14,000 U.S. infantry troops landed in France to begin training for combat. The United States entered the war became the turning point of the conflict. By the time the war finally ended on November 11, 1918, more than 2 million American soldiers had served on the battlefields of Western Europe, and some 50,000 of these men had lost their lives

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