Processed Food Is Bad For You Essay

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“Why is Processed Food So Bad for You?” by Michael Hobbes is an informative article discussing the negative aspects of processed foods. In the article, the author talks about his famous homemade marinara sauce. He goes on to talk about how his sauce could never make it in the processed food world because of the standardization, preservatives, thickeners, and emulsifiers. All processed foods have to be standardized so that every jar, box, and package taste exactly the same. Preservatives are added so that the foods can last on the shelves and not go bad by the time the consumer reaches them. Finally, thickeners and emulsifiers are added to give the product the right consistency. By the time all of these things are added, Hobbes’ sauce will taste nothing like it did originally. Processed foods are very unhealthy and are made this way to keep up with competitors. Many processed food companies have tried to go healthy. Kraft, for example, tried to reduce the amount of calories in their Oreos and even started selling them in 100-calorie packs in the early 2000s. Not long after, in 2003, Hershey’s released a new s’mores cookie that was more fattening and tasted better than Kraft’s new and healthy Oreos. Kraft’s business started to decline, so they decided …show more content…

In this article Host discusses two drawbacks of processed food: the loss of nutrients and the adding of harmful chemicals. In order for processed food to have longer shelf life, it has to go through many cycles of heating and cooling. This causes the food to lose many important nutrients, as well as flavor. This means that in order to get all of our necessary nutrients from processed food, we will have to eat mass quantities of it. This is very unhealthy and not suggested. Instead, we can get all of our necessary nutrients from fresh foods that are not processed, and we only have to eat a small quantity of

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