Process Of Adoption Essay

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Every so often, a history textbook needs to be changed. The process of adoption is like chain that barely gets changed. The textbook author changes the words of the previous book to more simple words and phrases making it easier to understand for higher test results. However, the “reviewers” aren’t so superficial as they seem. They only flip through the pages for newness. Students don’t want to read the same story over and over, year after year. It is coming to the fact that most of these authors aren’t present during the time they are writing about. Like novelist, political writer and journalist, George Orwell states it, “Who controls the presents controls the past.” Textbooks organize the stories of history by social class, race, and gender. It’s all talked about hierarchy and who did what. I’ve learned about history in just 4 months this semester. It’s the most I’ve learned all my life since high school. History was the enemy of subjects for me. It’s the one I wanted to avoid my whole 12 years of school. Unfortunately I had to take it in …show more content…

Authors don’t mind doing so because it’s like having a secret identity; it’s not always evident that the authors are the actual ones. As a matter of fact, sometimes the authors on the cover aren’t even the people who wrote the book. The first textbook was in 1949. Edition after edition the information is tweaked to the point where you’re not even sure if it really happened. The newer the textbook, the more distant the relationship is with the creators. Authors have a “secret identity” because once they hand it off to the publishers it’s them doing most of the editing. So as soon as they give to them, it’s too late to turn back. Teachers blame the administration and publishers for their books yet they’re the ones teaching. Authors just sit back in the dark and declare their credit. Clearly if the textbook is bad, the author will not receive any

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