Pro Hunting Essay

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Are There Benefits to Hunting? Hunting is terrible. It has no benefit. It is pure evil and all hunters are murderers. How could someone hurt such precious animals that did no harm to them? These are just some of the arguments brought up from anti-hunters that I have encountered during my lifetime. I grew up in a community where hunting was common. My family hunted, my friends hunted, even some of my teachers hunted. I never gave it a second thought as a youth. I just thought everyone did it and it was perfectly normal. As I got older I realized that not everyone has that same idea. As I dug into the logic of their arguments I realized how uneducated they really are. While many will argue that hunting is unsafe, detrimental to wildlife populations, …show more content…

All other major species that are hunted have drastically increased in population also (NSSF). The last major anti-hunting argument I have heard often is that hunting is unhealthy. In reality it is healthy in many ways. The sport side is very active. It involves walking over rough terrain and carrying sometimes heavy equipment. During the hunting season I am often in the best shape of the year. While there are ways to get around the hard work part of hunting, the average hunter will get some good exercise. On the nutritional side, wild game is extremely healthy. Wild venison is lower in fat than even the white meat of factory turkey. Much less than beef and pork (Petersen). Wild game is also never injected with hormones. Neither is it genetically engineered to grow bigger and faster. Wild game is free range and lives with less stress than your common farm animals. I personally love knowing that my food came from the wild and not some major cattle factory. I like that I was the one who took the life of the animal and processed all the meat myself. I know the meat is pure and has no contaminants from large butcher houses. Another bonus is the taste. I love the taste of deer meat. While taste is more of a preference depending on the person, I would encourage everyone to give wild game a

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