Pro Censorship Argumentative Essay

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Censorship can be defined as information purposefully blurred from the public eye based on claims of ethical integrity. Censorship has been a constant push and pull factor since the beginning. Leaving the debate up for two sides: pro-censorship and anti-censorship. However, by adhering to such restrictive concepts it limits the amount of free speech and self expression needed for individuals to collectively experience the world for what it is.

Pro-censorship is the idea that limitations should put upon specific things in relation to the message or general -- - because it is deemed unethical. Censorship is a commonly prevalent usage within today's society. Children's books as well as general media centered around children tend to be heavily censored because it is seen as unlaw to expose children to concepts and ideas outside our their knowledge range. Although censorship can be looked down upon it holds key ideas that help bad influences from reaching impressionable audiences much like children. When advertisements subtly promote unhealthy lifestyles much like body shaming, it can lead to
Censorship is a subjective concept because what one individual may deem unlaw and inappropriate, another may be completely unaffected.. By censoring certain things within society, whether it be violence or something small like an advertisement it still infringes on person’s right to view content. Censoring specific things causes conflict and creates a barrier between the truth that surrounds the topic censored and the reality of said topic. Blocking content acts much a cushion; stopping the reality of a subject by covering up the negative aspects of it up. It creates a false sense truth for those viewing censored items because what they believe to be right isn’t exactly the full truth, rather only a fraction of

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