Pro Athletes Get Paid Too Much

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Have you ever compared how much pro athletes make to how much a real job makes like a nurse or a teacher? Well the outcome is ridiculous. According to the 7th grade middle school Language Arts class of St.Pius X Catholic School, some people agree that Professional Athletes are paid too much. Furthermore athletes are paid too much because a normal job, as I said, make a fraction of what real jobs make like a doctor and doctors take real risks.
To begin with pro athletes are sending the wrong message. ¨ Teaching is one of the most economically important occupations because our future economy relies on the education of itś youth¨ This is a excerpt from the article “ Do Pro Athletes Get Paid Too Much Money? ¨ By Mihir Baga. This shows that pro …show more content…

In an article called “Do Pro Athletes Get Paid Too Much?” By Justin Hjelm, said the following, “It’s a sad commentary on our social values that theses entertainers are ranking in seven figure salaries while teachers, police officers, and firefighters make less than 1% of the income of some salaries.” Some people sacrifice their lives daily, not only police officers but soldiers too, and they still get paid less than 1% of the income of some salaries as Hjelm said. Another quote form Hjelm said, “Kenny Anderson then a guard for the Boston Celtics complained of not being able to afford the insurance on his 8 cars” With all this money spent on his cars he could of at least gave some for the poor. What do you think? This final quote by Justin Hjelm says the following, “In 1998-99 people from the NBA were crying in poverty and now pro athletes are treated like royalty, and now the real important jobs are earning 1% of what some athletes are being paid” This quote really brings out the aspect that yes, pro athletes are being paid too much and yes, we need to do something about it. Are pro athletes important? Are they making a big difference in the world? I don't think so. Some people argue that athletes are paid just right, but when you really do the math the outcome isn't the same. According to “Why Pro Athletes aren’t paid too much” By Dan Stein, he says that pro athletes put in well over 40 hours of practice every week. However judging by his first claim, this still does not prove that pro athletes save lives. Now according to “ Do Professional Athletes Get Paid Too Much” by Mihir Bhagat, said that soldiers leave their families at home to defend their country knowing they may not return. And to me I call those people the real

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