Prisoners Once Removed Summary

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The supplementary reading that I decided to write a response paper on was the chapter “Prisoners Once Removed: The Children and Families of Prisoners”. This reading was a very eye opening reading for a few reasons. The first reason is because the perspective a criminal’s family is almost never put into perspective. The second reason I enjoyed the chapter is because in a way this article additionally informs its readers on the more subtle negative consequences that incarcerated people face even after serving their punishment. There are many statistics that come into play that help us understand the life of both the incarcerated individual and their family. This can be seen on the graphs that show the demographic on both inmate and their children. …show more content…

To understand the first one there is a little background story to it. My family came into America as Illegal Mexican immigrants, although now they are citizens of the United States. My parents have friends that had come to America as well. After living here for numerous years and having children already in high school, one of my family’s friends Caesar was apprehended for speeding and ultimately deported back to Mexico for this small infraction. From what my parents have told me this drastically changed the life of that family entirely. In the beginning they were coping well but eventually their mother needed help drawing in more income. Along with this both of their son’s schools work began to turn down. Their grades suffered, I remembering hanging out with them and having a great time until someone mentioned the word father. Discouraged that they had to live like this, I feel it was the biggest problem. Eventually what came to pass was that both brothers had to find jobs to help their mother. These two promising people who could have easily been admitted into a university were forced to suffer on behalf of their parents. Although my family friend was not sent to jail the premise of being sent away as punishment and the stigma would share similar

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