Priscilla And The Wimp Analysis

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Would you fight for what you stand for despite the odds being against you ? What if you were standing up against a bully known for tormenting your peers routinely presenting them with only pain and suffering ? This situation occurs frequently among american students in schools. Many of these students result in having a series of physical or mental abuse done to them. Author Richard Peck found this issue to be problematic for society.As a solution , Richard Peck constructed a short story to combat bullying titled “Priscilla and the Wimp” . “ Priscilla and the Wimp” stars a strong independent girl in middle school who faces this same situation. Richard Peck includes biblical symbolism and creative imagery to inspire kids to stand up towards bullying. …show more content…

Both students had the same problem with bullying. In the beginning of this short story the narrator uses strong imagery to describe his the antagonist izing bullies. The notorious gang of bullies known as Klutters Kobras are known to torment everyone in the school.The narrator uses an example of imagery by using “fang marks” to describe the type of bruises and scars the bullies would gave him and his classmates . Klutters Kobras name originated from their brute leader Monk Klutter dictated his school with ease by using his army of Kobras to lurk around the halls collecting money from their classmates; if the student are unable to pay the bullies money then the bullies resort to using violence. Monk’s signature dress is described using creative imagery such as “Ostrich skin boots” and “Lizard-skin flaps” to give the reader the interpretation of Monk not only acting tough ,but also has a intimidating

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