Primary Message Of Jesus

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The primary message of this passage highlights the importance of God’s love for us. This passage illuminates the greatest gift that God can give is the love that he has for us. In the passage it states “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” (John 14:15). This verse tells us about love, obedience, and having faith. Jesus reiterates the message of always following his ways and through that we can live a holy and fulfilling life within him. Moreover, through obeying God and finding each other through love and compassion, we can live a virtuous life.
This passage elucidates the salient teaching of following God’s path and listening to him. Jesus wants us to be his followers in order to learn from him and continue a path to heaven. In …show more content…

I think that the Sacrament of Reconciliation is illuminated in this passage because in this passage Jesus talks about following in his footsteps, and listening to his words. In the passage it states, “Whoever does not love me does not keep my words; yet the word you hear is not mine but that of the Father who sent me.” (John 14: 24). In this verse, Jesus tells us to listen and keep his words sacred. Furthermore, Jesus tells us that through keeping his word, you will have experience a moral journey with the Lord forever. I think that this verse relates to the Sacrament of Reconciliation because, I think that through this sacrament it calls us to listen and obey God. By the Sacrament of Reconciliation we mend our relationship with Jesus, and construct a greater foundation within him. By this sacrament we have to gift of getting our sins forgiven, which brings us closer to God, and let’s us have a better understanding of the God’s …show more content…

For instance, many individuals today commit the sin of disobeying their parents, or guardians. There are many times in my life personally where I commit this sin. When I think about it, I never fully understand how much I hurt my parents when I disobey them and don’t learn from my past mistakes. Whenever my parents tell me something that I don’t necessarily care about, I decide to not listen or disobey them because I think that what they say is irrelevant. I have come to notice that many of the things that I did not take seriously when they told me when I did not listen, is now my constant obstacle. Disobeying links in with the Fifth Commandment, and how we must honor our parents. By not listening and disobeying ,we are hurting our relationship with Jesus and our parents, as well as realizing the consequences of those actions. This practical example that can be tied in with this passage, also relates to the Sacrament of Reconciliation because God calls on us to repent when we sin, and renew our friendship with him by listening to him. By containing an environment in which you can strive with God with love, faith, and obedience, one can pursue an enriching

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