Pride And Prejudice Love And Marriage Essay

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Love and marriage, concepts that in the 19th century England were not necessarily very closely related. The novel “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen, centers on the importance of marriage as one of life’s most important treasures and life’s greatest source of happiness. Austen presents the reader with three main factor in the 19th century England relationships each based around different struggles including social class, love and reputation especially as it impacts the relationship between Elizabeth and Darcy.

First, many choose marriage for its social benefits and image of respectability. Elizabeth, the main protagonist, comes from the Bennet family. They were the country upper classs comparable to the modern-day middle class. They had poor social graces and no sense of decency or style appropriate for the higher echelons of the society. In addition, their family upbringing placed little emphasis on such matters. In contrast, Mr. Darcy is a wealthy bachelor and heir a large estate. He is from the aristocratic class but put much importance on social grace, manners, decency and ...

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