Pride And Prejudice Dialectical Journal

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Chapter one : Kasai isn't a game

Two cheerful children ran down the hallways of the (Insert Last Name Of Isamu's Family) family home.A fire red haired girl slammed the door behind her and it was open again by her best friend.Without looking back the girl loaded her vow with a regular arrow and shot it backwards towards her unsuspecting friend.A quick slice later and the arrow was cut in half by Isamu's sword.Daylight danced around them as the true neck wearing boy pulled ahead and ran full speed to the door of their school.

"Not late...nice Isamu and Akane,"The teacher smiled.The clock dinged just as a male with white hair entered.He growled as he realized what just happened."Late,"The teacher sighed before writing onto a clipboard and pointing to a pair of numbers and words.Akane read the numbers quickly.Page 121 of book 3.The two friends searched for their books and Akane realized she left that particular book at home.The boy in a dark brownshirt smiled and passed his book to her happily.He had studied the subject last night like he was supposed to,unlike his friend had.

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