Pricing Strategy In The Fashion Industry

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the next five years (Kunde, 2013). With more than 850 000 companies and 5 million jobs, the fashion industry currently accounts for 3% of EU's GDP (, 2014). Businesses that offer quality, selection and availability at competitive prices are able to achieve a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Pricing policies adopted by retailers can be cost-oriented, demand oriented or competition oriented pricing (Pradhan, 2010). Every retailer has a specific approach to pricing, determined by factors such as the market, the consumer, cost structure and the positioning in the marketplace. Pricing policy can be adapted over time in order to respond to any changes in these factors. The Cambridge Dictionary (2014) defines a market leader as “the company that sells most of a product or service in a particular market”. In order to gain market leadership a company must identify and create attractive, profitable market opportunities and develop the market plans that will lead the company to capture a dominant and profitable share of the market (Ryans, 2000). Kotelnikov, V. (2014) expl...

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