Prevention Through Deterrence Argumentative Analysis

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With the increasing number of undocumented immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally, the U.S. border patrol sought new strategies to prevent more illegal crossings. In the early 1990s, Prevention Through Deterrence was a new strategy created by the border patrol in hopes to deter immigrants from crossing the border (Henderson 130). This new strategy started with Operation Blockade and with Operation Gatekeeper following right after. In Timothy Henderson’s Beyond Borders, and Jason De Leon’s The Land of Open Graves, they both discuss the positive effects of the border patrol’s Prevention Through Deterrence strategy, but also address how the strategy didn’t prevent immigrants from crossing the border, but rather shifted the traffic of immigrants into rural areas, putting their lives in danger. Prevention Through Deterrence—PTD—was a strategy implemented by the border patrol to prevent immigrants from illegally crossing the border into the U.S. Henderson states that from the 1980s, the U.S. was known to have “lost control of its borders” (130). The border patrol began working on strategies to regain their control of the …show more content…

security gave rise to even more professional smugglers. Illegal crossings became even more dangerous and expensive trip to make. The price for hiring a coyote—human smuggler—rose from “$189 on average in 1990, to $482 in 1998, to $1,500 by 2009, with some special services going for $3,000 and $5,000” (Henderson 131). This shows that the demand for illegally crossing was very high and that professional coyotes were hired. The increase in border security also prevented immigrants from returning back to their country of origin as well (Henderson 131-132). For these reasons, this explains why there is such a high number of immigrants in the U.S. Henderson explains the basic understanding of PTD and how they affected the U.S. and the immigrants, but De Leon’s explanation of PTD is explained from a different

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