Pretties Scott Westerfeld Analysis

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Many factors contribute to the main storyline of Pretties by Scott Westerfeld. So far, Tally has attended a costume party with her best friends, received a large gash in her forehead after escaping from the party, and swallowed a white pill from a mysterious leather sack. The party and pill will be discussed and elaborated upon throughout this essay. The three most important objects in the story so far are Zane (Tally’s man friend), Champagne, and the key to open the lock on dorm room Valentino 317. One person who is crucial to the plot of the story so far is Zane. Zane is among Tally’s new group of friends in New Pretty Town and also belongs to the “Crims”. The word “Crims” is short for Criminals, and in a way means he has a historical lifestyle. The person dressed in it turns out to be Croy, a previous companion of Tally, and he has something to give her. The day following this event, Tally and Zane set off to find this dorm room, Valentino 317. On the third floor, between the rooms of 315 and 319, there lies an elevator. The two kiss, rejuvenate their “bubbliness”, and strategize what to do next. Zane and Tally climbed to the rooftop and climbed a radio tower from their for they hypothesized the key to room 317 was hidden atop the tower. Tally snatches the key and makes her way back down to the safety of the roof. Valentino 317 was the room filled with graffiti and belongings from previous “Crims” who visited the room. Tally found the leather satchel Croy intended to hand her and inspected its contents. She found a letter, addressed to herself, and two small white pills. In the letter, Tally is the author and gives herself consent to take the pills to transform her back into an “Ugly”. She understands the risks of the antidote and she and Zane both swallow a pill at the same minute “Special Circumstances” arrives at the

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