Pressure from Peers Creates Teenage Pregnancy

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In my opinion, some of the main causes of teenage pregnancy are due to peer pressure from friends and fellow classmates who suggest that having sex during high school is normal casual behavior. There is pressure that suggest if you are not engaging in both oral and sexual intercourse, the belief is that something is wrong with you and the stigma of being a virgin is embarrassing and somehow wrong. Another cause is, but not limited to, unprotected sex (not wearing a condom or not being on birth control). This type of behavior is reckless and considered youthful lust or in some cases sexual deviance. According to Naomi Farber, author of Adolescent Pregnancy, some risk factors of teenage pregnancy are:

• Mothers are at risk of having low birth weight

• Sons of teenage mothers are more likely to be incarcerated

• Daughters of teenage mothers are more likely to be teen mothers themselves

• Mothers are two times more likely to have cases of child abuse

• Children tend to have diminished lifetime

(Farber, 2009).

I have fathered a child as a teenager. I am not proud to say tha...

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