Presidential Debates

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Presidential Debates

Making a decision is a very important part of life that every person, at one time or another, has to make. Options are always available when someone has to make a decision. In choosing a President for our country, we have to look at our candidates and decide which ones beliefs can help the country the most. We get to hear the President's opinions through the debates. This year, although we had numerous candidates, the only two that were allowed to participate in the debates was Vice President Al Gore and Texas Governor George Bush.

The first debate was held at the University of Massachusetts in Boston. There was no clear and obvious winner in this debate. The debate featured a lot of bickering by both candidates as Gore questioned Bush's experience and his proposals and Bush focused on the Vice President's character and his abilities in the past eight years. He attacked Gore for his involvement in the Buddhist temple fund raising event in 1996. He said, "I felt like there needed to be a better sense of responsibility of what was going on in the White House."...

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