President Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Speech Summary

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President Theodore Roosevelt did a speech about conservation and how important it is. There were a lot of people invited which include the Senators and Representatives in Congress; the Supreme Court, the Cabinet, and the Inland Waterways Commission. He begins to say that as a nation we have to conserve all of our natural resources either renewable or nonrenewable. Foresight is very important because it could help manage most our resources. Foresight means providence by virtue of planning prudently for the future, basically planning for the future. Foresight should be something that every American should be using. Conservation is considered one of the most important duties. The first reason he brought up conservation is that our recourses could run out. The two kinds of resources are renewable resources and nonrenewable resources. The demand for resources had been increasing when Roosevelt did this speech. One of the causes could be the increase in population because there were more people demanding resources. The resources could also be running out because the demands for the average human has been increasing. Most people also lost the sense of dependence of nature. A lot of resources are actually running out even though a lot of people don’t even realize it. …show more content…

This will impact the progress of conservation. If nobody used foresight you would not know how many resources would be left once you consume. If we started using foresight, there could be more resources to be used. Without foresight, there are many setbacks in conservation. There could be so many more resources with foresight it is one of the most important things need for conserving our resources. Our nation needs to star using foresight to have fewer setbacks and improve conservation a lot

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