Preschoolers: Learning Capabilities Analysis

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Problem solving. Within society, people are constantly solving problems whether it’s simple or complex; and young preschooler are not exempted. Thought their problems during this time may seem mediocre to adults but children do have this issue and are exceptionally better at solving these problem because of their willingness. Children can be taught problem-solving skills during the regular course of each day through modeling, coaching and adult assistance. Before beginning a problem-solving process, it is important for the child to know that there is a problem. This is easily accomplished by a nearby adult who states the fact, “I see you have a problem’. According to the Vanderbilt Center for the Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) four steps identified for young children to effectively solve problems: Have the child identify the problem. What is wanted or needed? Once a child knows that he has a problem, he then needs to be encouraged to state what the problem is. If a child is unusually distraught and is unable to verbalize the problem, the adult can step in and state the obvious. “You wanted the red truck and Isaiah is playing with it now. You have a problem.” It is easy for the adult to recognize the problem, but the adult needs to see the problem from the child’s point of view. In assisting a child in describing a problem, you can introduce feeling words that can expand a child’s emotional vocabulary. “It is so frustrating when you want something right now and you can’t have it.” Very young children learn early on when they are feeling “good” or “bad.” Adults need to teach young children other words for their feelings. You might observe out loud that Sam is “angry” or “annoyed” or “frustrated. “Brain... ... middle of paper ... ...Perry, B. (n.d.). Curiosity: the fuel of development. Retrieved from: Stewart, D. J. (2012). The power of play in the early learning environment. Retrieved from Toddler develoment. (2012, November). Retrieved from Unknown (2010). Learning Through the Early Years: The Benefits of Repetition and Variation. Retrieved from Unknown (2010). Social emotional teaching strategies. Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning, Retrieved from

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