Prenatal Testing Informative Speech

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I want to start today with a fact, a fact that shocked me when I first saw it. 100% of all prenatal pregnancies that are diagnosed with Down syndrome in Iceland are aborted, but before you think about that for too long I want to explain how we got here and how genetic technologies are evolving to help parents and doctors.
Screening works by looking for similarities and differences in the genetic markers between two biological samples. It compares the baby's dna to the normal healthy sequence. Screening can be broken into two main categories, that is, prenatal or before birth and newborn, after birth. Prenatal testing is used to detect changes in a fetus's genes or chromosomes before birth, whereas newborn screening is used to identify genetic disorders that can be treated early in life.

During pregnancy most expectant mothers will have an ultrasound and a blood test, these common procedures are the first part of prenatal screening, known as first trimester screening. In this a sample of blood is taken and tested for the concentration of two hormones, Alpha-fetoprotein and Human chorionic gonadotropin, which often …show more content…

Some other reasons for a diagnostic test include having had a previous pregnancy with Down syndrome or other birth defect and a family history of a genetic condition. There are two main types of diagnostic tests; Chorionic Villus Sampling and Amniocentesis. In both of these a needle is guided by an ultrasound, to avoid damage to the fetus, through the abdomen. Amniotic fluid or chorionic villus cells are collected and are tested for missing, extra or abnormal chromosomes. These procedures carry a 1% risk of miscarriage but are beneficial as even if one would not terminate a pregnancy, knowing whether the baby has special needs would help to prepare and organise specialist antenatal care or to book into a tertiary hospital for the birth if

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