Prejudice And Racism In The Film 'Get Out'

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At the end of” Get Out”, it's evident that once Rose’s job is complete to lure Chris into the house and trap him,she in need to trap her next victim. This showcased white women's passive indifference to racism in America.Her history of hunting down Black people to return home is a reflection of Black men being fetishized in modern society. She sees black people as just items, she was basically shopping for a physically-enhanced slave. Even Though, in the beginning of the movie she seems to defend her boyfriend from first the cop, and her parents second. It later on discovered that it was all an act that she was a part in. It’s hard to tell if she actually enjoys being intimate and sexual with black men or just following the orders of her family. Stereotypical perceptions of black men include: a tall structure, muscularity, sports endurance,aggressive,violent,and lazy. It became evident in the movie that rose’s family was only concerned in the physical attributes the incoming black slaves were given. And the reason for this is because in the end, they were going to do a switch brain transplant. They don't give off the “normal” acts of racism like racial slurs, or racial profiling, but the movie did include subtle microaggressions. For example, the dad in the beginning saying “ Right …show more content…

The real-world connection here is a how White society has always used its economic advantages to render the Black population powerless to control its own destiny. The mother made him feel not only powerless, but set him into an uncomfortable vulnerability. And I feel like this is a commonality between many black people ,including myself, that feel they will never feel enough as whites. That's why I feel when the 2008 presidential election was going on, it was huge deal for not only black people ,but white people too. Many were caught almost “ dumbfounded” by the fact that that was even

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