Prayer In Public Schools

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Each Branch of the American government has a specialized job when it comes to issues that affect the country like prayer in school. Attitudes toward prayer in school have changed over the years, but the job of the different branches of the American government have not changed when it comes to making laws about prayer in school, enforcing laws about prayer about how the constitution applies to issues like prayer in school the American government is set up to make sure all issues like prayer in school get dealt in a way that is fair and equal to all: the Legislative Branch establishes laws which are passed that say if prayer in school is to be allowed or not and how prayer in school can be conducted if it is allowed in school; the Executive Branch is responsible to make sure that all schools in America are following the same …show more content…

The first case about prayer in school that ever went all the way to the Supreme Court was Engel V. Vitale in 1962 when non- Christian students felt obligated to say a Christian prayer in school. In 1936, two other supreme court cases (Abington Saheel Distinct V. Schrempp and Murray V. Curlett decided that reading the Bible and saying the Lord’s Prayer as a whole could not be allowed at school. The latest cases happened in the 1990s when people started speaking out against religious prayer at school event like sports games or graduations or other ceremonies where it was ruled that prayer is not allowed. The following two cases came the Court’s decision in Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971), a ruling that established the Lemon test for religious activities within schools. The while students do continue to in public schools, even in organized groups such as “See you at the pole”, the lawsuit disallowed school from including prayer as compulsory activity required of every

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