Pozzo and Lucky in Waiting For Godot

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Interpersonal relationships are extremely important, because the interaction of the characters in Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot as they try to satisfy one another's boredom, is the basis for the play. Pozzo's and Lucky's interactions with each other form the basis for one of the play's major themes. The ambivalence of Pozzo's and Lucky's relationship in Waiting For Godot resembles most human relationships. Irritated by one another, they still must function together. References to their relationship are generally couched in rope images. Physically present and other wise implied, visible and invisible,involving people as well as inanimate objects, and connect the dead with the living. 	The only rope that appears literally is the leash around Lucky's neck that Pozzo holds. In terms of the rope, the relationship between these characters is one of consistent domination. The stage directions say that "Pozzo drives Lucky by means of a rope passed round his neck." [15] Lucky is whipped often, and he is essentially the horse pulling Pozzo's carriage in a relationship that seems cruel and domineering. Yet Lucky is strangely compliant. In explaining Lucky's behavior, Pozzo says, "Why he doesn't make

himself comfortable? Let's try and get this clear. Has he not the right to? Certainly he has. It follows that he doesn't want to...He imagines that when I see how well he carries I'll be tempted to keep him on in that capacity...As though I were short of slaves. Despite his miserable condition, Lucky does not seem to desire change. Perhaps he is happy, or maybe not miserable enough. Perhaps, as the compliant Vladimir and Estragon, he cannot envision himself any differently. The relationship between Pozzo and Lucky does not, however, stagnate at this point. The very next day, when the two next appear, the rope between them is significantly shorter so that the now-blind Pozzo may find his way. In this new situation, it is less clear which character leads the other, or if either one is truly in control. As the stage directions read, "Pozzo is blind...Rope as before, but much shorter, so that Pozzo may follow more easily." For the first time in the text, Pozzo is dependent on Lucky for direction; Lucky is dependent on Pozzo for the same reason, though this relationship is one of emotional, rather than physical, dependence. The shortness of the rope, necessary because of Pozzo's blindness, affects their relationship; their new-found closeness makes it difficult for Pozzo to dominate and for Lucky to be truly servile and completely pathetic.

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