Powerful Women In The Odyssey

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Women possess power to disfigure one’s appearance to help someone they value without them knowing of the assistance they received. Athena, the goddess of wisdom is highly valued as one of the most significant women in The Odyssey, because of her numerous display of kindness towards Odysseus, a mortal that probably would most likely be evaded of his home if not for Athena's pleads to her father, Zeus. Before Odysseus encountered atrocious obstacles preventing him from returning to Ithaca, he was part of the Trojan war, aiding Menelaus in retrieving his wife, Helen, from Paris. During the Trojan War, Athena notably sided with Odysseus, lending her power which resulted in an ultimate victory for Odysseus. After Odysseus was set free from Calypso, he …show more content…

Oblivious to Odysseus, however, is that Athena personally interacts with him under a disguise of a shepherd, silently helping him without awareness that the great goddess is behind the elaborate scheme to get him home. This shows that women possess a power that can help people out during a dire situation without their knowledge that they're being helped out by a woman, and in terms of helping out, it can be similar to what Athena is going to do by helping Odysseus go incognito. In a similar case, Odysseus is ensnared in Ogygia, and it was thanks to Athena's dogmatic pleas that convinces Zeus to free Odysseus from Calypso's confinement. Odysseus is insensible to Athena's major contribution that results in his ultimate escape from an obstacle preventing him from arriving home in Ithaca. Being a woman, Athena's assistance without Odysseus' awareness plays a major part in the part, supporting the evidential fact that woman possesses great talents in helping others without acknowledgement to their

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