Power Tends To Corrupt And Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely Essay

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In 1887, the English historian and writer John Dalberg Acton, better known as Lord Acton, wrote, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. What can be taken from this quote, is, that power, although necessary for a government or ruler to lead, can become corrupt when not monitored and when given freely. When too much power is acquired, be it by a government or an individual, it tends to corrupt initially positive intentions and may lead to selfishness and greed. Time has shown again and again and proven this to be true, further supporting the reality and issues of absolute power. An example of corrupt absolute power can be shown through the rule and reign of Queen Mary 1 of England. Despite initially claiming she would not compel her subjects to follow her religion. After successfully acquiring the throne of Lady Jane Grey in 1553, Mary aimed to convert England and its people back to Catholicism, as she wanted a Catholic heir ("Mary Tudor Biography.com", 2015). To do this, she revived England's heresy …show more content…

Over the course of history, there have been many rulers who did not do terrible things, and instead ruled for the sake of their nation, such as Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II. Joseph II took over as ruler of Vienna, Austria in 1780. Joseph attempted to rule in the manner he thought would be best for his nation, doing things such as attempting to abolish serfdom, and trying to ensure equal treatment for all offenders of the same crime, rather than certain individuals getting preference from the law. Over the course of his reign, he made several decisions, many of which were controversial, but all of them seeming to be made in the idea of assisting the nation, rather than Joseph himself. Although his actions were forceful quick and corrupt as he was the only one who wished for such change, he did give minority religions the ability to live and worship more freely (II,

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