Poverty Exposed In The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency

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In the novel, The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency, it is evident that all the characters act in an evil manner due to poverty. The novel is set in Botswana, Africa. In one of the cases that Mma Ramotswe has to solve, a man arrives on the doorstep of Happy Bapetsi, claiming to be her “daddy”. As the man is too poor to sustain himself, he seeks the care, shelter and food from Happy. Meanwhile, Mr Moretsi, who works for Hector Lepodise, claims that he cut his finger at work in order to get compensation from the business. After careful investigation, Mma Ramotswe discovers that not only was he lying about cutting his finger merely to get money to put food on the table for his family, but he had repeated this ruse at multiple companies. In addition, Dr Maketsi out requests Mma Ramotswe to investigates abnormal behaviour by his colleague, Dr Komoti. Mma Ramotswe discovers that Dr Komoti's unqualified twin steps in for him part- time because he is unemployed and needs some sort of income. It can clearly be seen that in many of these …show more content…

Lester is bullied throughout school by Sam Hes, who picks on him, later returning into his adult life to continue mocking him and calling him a “nigga” (Fargo, 2014). His job isn't going well, while he has a highly successful brother who constantly puts him down and his wife belittles him saying he is “not a man”, but rather a “loser” (Fargo, 2014). These factors all contribute to Lester's self worth hitting rock bottom. One day, his wife's mockery becomes too much for him to handle and, in a fit of rage, Lester hacks her to death. Due to Lester's traumatic bullying experience as a child and the continual bullying all through his adulthood, he becomes a sociopath. Lester was able to be superficially normal and act in a controlled manner until he finally reached his tipping point to violently express all his internal

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