Why Is Poverty Important To Lower Life Expectancy?

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Poverty is a leading contributor of unhealthy infant births and directly leads to unnecessary death caused by lack of quality healthcare and malnutrition. Poverty also contributes to lower life expectancy because some families are not able to provide their families with the necessary health care they need and provide them with enough nourishment to live a healthy life. Studies also show that “in 2013, 45.3 million people (14.5 percent) were living in a poverty stricken area” (Feedingamerica.org). The percentage has gone up increasingly. Poverty also has a huge impact on why some teenagers choose to drop out and go straight to work. In most cases poverty is the dominant reason why some individuals experience high stress levels , use illegal …show more content…

In relation to the life expectancy of someone living in poverty, their life is cut in half because their body isn’t receiving enough nutrients to keep the body in good condition. A CDC study recently revealed “that states where more than 1 in 3 people live in high poverty areas reported the lowest life expectancy”( Nina Verfaillie). During my research I came across a study and it showed just over 300 million poverty stricken individuals does not make it past their 60th birthday. Either they can’t afford the proper health care they need to keep their bodies in good living conditions or there not receiving enough …show more content…

By letting a student tell their story can relieve a lot off their shoulders. It shows them that someone really cares about what they been through. Not only that, it lets them know that someone cares about their future and what’s ahead of them. An article I read said always find the positive in the student and in every situation. Although this takes both patience and a curious mind it leads to a positive outcome for the student. It changes the way the disadvantage student thinks on life and their education. School engagement was a key factor on whether the student dropped out or stayed in school. The high school graduation rate in Louisiana is 65% which is not good but it is also not

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