Postmodernism Analysis

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3.1. Brief Contextualisation of the characteristics of Modernism and Late-Modernism.
Before postmodernism can be understood clearly a brief understanding of modernism needs to be contextualised and explained. The modernist movement started to form in the late 19th and early 20th century, some of the forming factors of modernism came from the rapid growth of the modern industrial societies and the horror that arose form World War I. Many modernists rejected enlightened thinking and gave up all religious beliefs (CITE). Some of the most important characteristics of the modern movement directly contradict the characteristics of postmodernism. After what happened in World War I the modernist started to reject the past with that in mind …show more content…

This can be marked as the beginning of the mindset that started the reaction, later known as postmodernism. It is this reaction that took on many artistic forms over the next four decades( Jenkins : 2016). According to Giddens(1990), postmodernism refers to the artistic movements and styles within literature, painting, arts, and architecture. It concerns aspects of aesthetic reflection upon the nature of modernity ( : 2016). One of the most important thing that the postmodernist did is question the narratives that embraced during the modernist period, the most important can be seen as the notion that all progress is positive especially the technological ( Jenkins : 2016). When rejecting these narratives, the postmodernists reject the idea that knowledge or history can be surrounded in totalising theories, embracing instead the local, the contingent, and the temporary ( Jenkins : 2016). The term post in postmodernism refers to the historical progression. Postmodernism changed the idea that only the intellectual and art critics can assign meaning and share their opinion on art, thus giving every viewer the opportunity to assign there own meaning and create there own opinion on the art work that is viewed ( Jenkins :

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