Positive Behavior Interventions

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In the field of applied behavior analysis, scientific supported treatments are chosen based on individual’s needs and abilities. Behavior analysts must choose interventions based on their restrictive procedures. Typically, the intervention should be the least restrictive procedures that are the most effective for the client. Aversive consequences are often see as the more restrictive procedures. These consequences are only recommended to be used only after reinforcement procedures have been tried and the data shows that the intervention is not effective. The use of punishment must also be approved by the client’s parents or legal guardians. In today’s society, punishment is seen as a harmful consequence that punishes an individual. In applied …show more content…

An example of positive punishment is the use of verbal reprimand. A verbal reprimand is a verbal warning that is given to the individual after they engage in a problem behavior. For example, if a student yells out the answer in class without being called on, the teacher may use a verbal reprimand in front of this peers and tell the student to not yell out the answer without being called on. This type of positive punishment can be effective in a variety of settings such as home, school, or a clinic setting. Another example of positive punishment is response blocking. Response blocking is a type of physical intervention that occurs after the occurrence of the problem behavior. This physical intervention is used to prevent or block the completion of the response. This type of positive punishment is effective in reducing the frequency of certain problem behaviors such as chronic hand mouthing, eye poking, and pica. A verbal reprimand can also be used with response blocking as well. Response blocking can be used in a variety of settings such as home, school, and a clinical setting. Response blocking is a less restrictive and a more human intervention but it may have some side effects. Side effects such as aggression and resistance to the response blocking process can occur with the use of response blocking. This can be minimized with the use of prompts and reinforcement of an alternative

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