Positive And Negative Impacts Of Globalisation Essay

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Argue on the positive and negative impacts of globalisation
The world has become smaller with each technological invention, communication advancement and knowledge transfer between nation, cultures and people. In the present day, geographical borders means nothing more than a boundary on a map. Therefore, the question that this paper will attempt to address is what are the opportunities and challenges that comes with globalisation, specifically in the context of the military organisations. There are three contexts in which the positive impacts of globalisation will be discussed namely social, economic and technological perspectives. Meanwhile, this paper will also present two contexts in which globalisation posits negative impacts …show more content…

However, there are key traits that are agreed upon by many, if not most, researchers in the field. There are two key traits that are relevant for the current paper. The first trait is that globalisation transcends traditional boundaries. For example, Mohammad Abed-Aljabbari defines globalisation as system that ‘extend[s] a culture and transferring it to other countries’ . This means that what was historically confined to a specific culture is readily available and easily transferred between countries. Culture may refer to traditions, or the culture of learning and even the culture in which organisations are run. The second trait that is commonly found in the defining of globalisation is that it enhances interdependence between nations. Flanagan, Kugler, and Frost (2011) aptly coined the hustle and bustle that is created by globalisation as the ‘process of growing international activity’ . The emphasis on the growth of a porous, unrestricted, and broad-reaching collaborative process allows us to reconcile with the fact that countries depend on each other extensively in order to progress. This, as will be presented later, comes with opportunities and challenges on its own. Thus, even when the definition of globalisation is yet to be perfected, it is clear that the term is referring to the phenomenon that encompasses the transcendence of traditional boundaries which leads to an interdependence between nations for

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