Portugal Research Paper

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1. How is Christmas celebrated in Portugal?
Answer: Christmas is celebrated in Portugal with some families going to a special evening mass called "Missa do Galo". After this holy mass, families have supper where they gather around their dining table, called "Ceia de Natal". Another holy supper on Christmas Eve, called "Consoada", is very traditional and consists of Portugal food, along with a colorful variety of fried desserts. An additional celebration of Christmas in Portugal is carolers singing "Janeiras", or Christmas carols.
2. What is the major religion in Portugal?
Answer: Catholicism is the major religion, therefore Christmas is celebrated with a "Créche", a scene made by families similar to a nativity scene in or outside of homes, shelters, and churches.
3. What are some symbols or displays that are used to celebrate in Portugal? …show more content…

What decorations do people use in their homes?
Answer: Some decorations that people use in their homes are, Créches, a presépio, and of course, Christmas trees. In Portugal, Christmas is very traditional and festive.
5. What decorations are on display in cities/communities?
Answer: Some decorations that are on display in communities are when shops and clubs make huge nativity scenes with over one hundred figures, waterfalls, windmills that rotate, and light! Some families enjoy seeing the big scenes.
6. What do people do on Christmas Eve in Portugal?
Answer: On Christmas Eve in Portugal, inhabitants will usually celebrate Christmas traditions like the 'Christmas Madeiro' which takes place on Christmas Eve. Traditionally, young men who were about to go into the military (for military service) were meant to steal whole trees to make the tallest fire in the church yard. However,this military service was stopped in 2004 in Portugal, but the tradition of lighting the Madeiro stump/fire still continues, and is still is sometimes so big that it will keep on burning for Christmas day as well!
7. What do people do on Christmas

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