Popular Shrubs in Los Angeles Gardens

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English Laurel
Although planting a dewy English garden in the often arid and unpredictable Los Angeles climate might seem impossible, English laurel is one European specimen that thrives in our environment.
English laurel has long, bright green leaves much larger than those usually seen on traditional hedges. Even when sheared into formal shapes, the English laurel exhibits an exuberant, bushy appearance, adding a welcome spot of feisty color to Southern California landscapes.
A fast-growing shrub that is drought tolerant once established, English laurel does need regular watering during the early years, and prefers full sun or partial shade. Healthy plants may exhibit some leaf droop after transplanting, but quickly recover if left alone. English laurel is wind and salt resistant, making it ideal for coastal settings.
Prune young laurels by removing a few inches in the early spring to encourage growth. Mature plants can be pruned into a distinctive box-hedge shape twice each year, once in the spring and once in the late summer.
In Southern California, English laurel creates a stunn...

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