Pop Music Vs Country Music

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Pop music was contrived in the 1950s and 1960s, getting its style from many rock and roll superstars. Country music, however, was established in the 1920s, its style being influenced by the blues. In this day and age, modern pop is at its peak, being considered one of the most popular genres in America. Thirty years ago, nevertheless, country music was thought to be the favored genre among the two. Although many people admire both mainstream pop and old country, they are very distinct genres. David Archuleta once said “I like the pop music, but I still want to have meaning in my music.” Archuleta is clearly stating that he wants his music to be lyrically-meaningful and passionate due to the opinion that most mainstream pop music has …show more content…

In 2008, Brian Primack, an Associate Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh, analyzed Billboard Magazine’s top songs of 2005. In Primack’s research, it was discovered that 103 of the 297 songs, mostly containing music of the pop genre, referenced sexual activity as well as substance use, violence, and weapon carrying. Primack’s analysis states that music accounts for more than a third of an adolescent’s learned behaviors. Since pop music’s audience mostly consists of adolescents, these references could possibly affect a teenager or young adults’ behavior (Internet). Not only do these songs contain insufficient values, but a great amount of modern-day pop uses autotune and artificial instruments to enhance the quality of one’s music. Google defines autotune as “a device or facility for tuning something automatically, especially a piece of computer software that enables the correction of an out-of-tune vocal performance.” Various artists in modern pop culture, such as the Black Eyed Peas, Daft Punk, Katy Perry, and Maroon Five, use autotune to

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