Pop Culture: Fandom Impact On Life

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Fandom impact on life

Google survey

Do you ever look at your favorite book, movies, or television shows and wonder, "Has this made an impact on anyone else's lives? Ask anyone who participates in fandom culture, and they can guarantee you that it has. Many fandoms exist today due to pop culture and the internet, making it easy for fans of anything imaginable to join together and talk about characters, plots, setting, etc. with ease. These fandoms can be large, lovely places full of positivity or breeding grounds for hate and community backlash. You have to be careful before you delve too deep, and always remember you are responsible for your viewing pleasure, not creators with proper tagging and warning systems. Now, with the word fandom …show more content…

Fandom participants can usually be divided into three categories: Creators, Consumers, and Multi-users. Creators typically have two sub categories, but aren't always confined to the two. Artists can be anything from your run of the mill painters to those that create scarves and clothing inspired by their specific fandom. They tend to make up the more known side of the creators of the fandom. Writers however can be argued as the underdogs of the fandom. Writers usually produce fanfiction, ranging anywhere from a few hundred words to novel length pieces at a few hundred thousand words. Some specialize in character analysis, also called metas, while others take on the role of their favorite characters and role play with others to create stories. These creators are supported usually by the consumers of the fandom, those who read, reblog, and share these pieces of art. Typically, readers enjoy these pieces of literature on sites like Archive of Our Own, and Fanfiction.net. Others look to Twitter or Tumblr for fun posts and metas on their fandom. Others occasionally help their favorite artists out by purchasing prints, charms, or outfits they've created. Artists also typically offer commissions, which people readily purchase. While many people tend to do one or another, the magic of participating in a fandom comes in the form of endless inspiration. 73% of the people surveyed said they did a combination of two or more of several ways of

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